Sunday, August 21, 2011

Broken promises.

If you all remember, a while ago the Potter's had more than just an obese cat. We once had a dog named Penny. 
Penny was a fabulous dog. She was beautiful, well behaved, loved my kids and once she even saved me from being viciously attacked by a killer garter snake.
Penny it seems, was just a little too big for our new house and was quite unhappy. She used to roam a huge field and could run and play and jump and bark. Here, she had a small runner, lived in town and had started to get the stink-eye when she barked. Explaining that we now lived in town did very little to remedy the situation. Dogs do not care about your new living arrangements. 
So, we made the very sad decision to give Penny to somebody who could give her the care-free life she loved and deserved. 
Though we know she is in wonderful hands and as happy as a clam, we still miss her terribly. 

After Penny,  Mr. Potter and I decided to hold off on any more pets. Not only because we didn't want to hurt our kids again, but also because we didn't want to be the weird pet people who always seem to have a new pet and nobody really questions where the old pet is. We very much dislike those pet people. So, no new pets. We convinced ourselves that there was enough of Emma to go around. 

Fast forward to present time, and you know where this story is heading... 

After visiting with one of my friends outside of his house I noticed a TON of kittens. "Man, Isabelle would be in kitten heaven if she saw these." It was then that he made the very giant mistake of inviting us over to play with the kittens. 

"Do NOT ask for one, Isabelle." Her father chimed this probably a thousand times from the moment I told her we were going until the second we walked out the door. 
"I mean it Isabelle, you're just going to visit-do NOT ask for one!"

Well, we were in a sea of cuteness. Kittens here, kittens there, kittens kittens everywhere! A black one, an orange one, a gray one, leopard spots, tiger stripes.  "Look mommy! This one looks like Emma!"

Joey, my friend the kitten king said, "They're free, ya know?" 
Oh dear. Adorable AND free? From a shoppers standpoint, I had absolutely no reason not to grab one and run home with it. 
I was holding a little gray one and telling Izzy how soft and cuddly she was. That's when the Kitten King told us her story. Her mother died right after having her. She had two siblings that his sister and mother bottle fed, but they didn't make it. Little orphan kitty was all by herself. 
*sniff sniff*
"Okay, we'll take her." 

Daddy met us at the door. I got out, then Izzy got out and I walked to the other side of the car to grab "Lou-Lou".
"NO! NO! I said NO! What is that!? I told you NO!!" 
I started with my, "But honey..." and Isabelle with her, "But daddy..." Within the hour Mr. Potter had little orphan Lou-Lou fast asleep in his lap. 

Life with a kitten AND a baby has been pretty tricky. Kittens are known for their razor sharp teeth, and Wolverine style claws. They're famous for their mischief and often times aggressive play. While babies on the other hand, are known for their sensitive nature, their sleep routine and their Venus fly trap-like hands.  It could be a messy combination should cat and baby collide. 

Very messy indeed. 


  1. Adorable. Makes me want a kitten but I'm certain my husband would divorce me :)

  2. Cute! I love kittens and cats but Sadie hates them. It was her house first so we will stay cat free until she goes to Doggie Heaven
