Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby Knock-out!

Hello friends!
In the interest of being a little tacky, a little needy and a little braggy, and a little annoying, and a little needy, with a side of needy and a hint of needy. I need to ask you all to do me a very big, tacky, needy, annoying favor..

Like all good mothers should, I have entered Roman into a very competitive cute baby contest. It's hosted by our local radio station-I entered Isabelle every year until she was too old and I seem to be repeating the trend with Roman, too.

Next year, when Roman is too old I'll have our sweet, chubby Sullivan to enter and my dreams of being a pageant mom will finally come true. (This is of course a joke, as true pageant moms scare the heck out of me. The heck you guys. The heck)

Because I am competitive to a fault and enjoy the thrill of winning things for my kids (Okay and me, too), I am not only entering Roman I am also rallying the masses and asking you to vote for my wee wittle wonderful man.
Voting is easy! No sign up, membership, e-mails or divulging of any personal information at all. You simply go to the below mentioned website and click VOTE!!

Voting is Monday-Friday and you can click "vote" as many times as you want. You can do it until your finger falls off if you want.

(Disclaimer, The Potter's, The Potters a Plenty blog and it's friends, family, affiliates and fat cat, Emma are not responsible for the loss of your finger(s) or any of your appendages) 

-Just click this link, put your mouse over this wording right here.
-Click "vote" under Roman's name and out-of-this-world-adorable picture
-Then click on the "leave a comment" button and let me know that you voted so that I can raise my glass of berry lime tea in your honor!

Thanks for letting me be "that mom". I appreciate every single one of you for helping a Potter out.

Winner for this round will be announced Monday, if that child should be Roman he'll go on to face the winners of the other 3 heats, and then it's a daily vote followed by a daily elimination (such a harsh word where babies are concerned) and then the winner is announced.

I suggest clicking "vote" until you've listened to every song on the play list. Go ahead... challenge yourself. ;)


  1. I clicked VOTE many many times. He is so cute, I don't see how he can not win!!!
    Jane Potter Hilfiger

  2. Oh my is he cute!
    Yum berry lime tea!

  3. Okay, I voted, then thought- what if he *isn't the cutest? That isn't fair... so I looked, and he is by far the cutest baby there. Good luck!
