Monday, November 2, 2009

A friend indeed

When Jason and I introduced our first-born daughter to our friends she was accepted with a lot of "ooohs" and "aaahs" Everybody thought she was just so adorable, including us.
After a few months though, the novelty of her newness faded with our friends and they wondered why we weren't at the bar, or skipped so and so's party. Why had we become so boring? Parenthood changed us. And as a result, we lost a lot of our friends. It's to be expected, they were 20-somethings-they didn't understand the HUGE responsibility that being a parent is.
When we gave birth to Roman, we had a new set of friends, married couples-other boring parents. In addition to all of my new worries I was afraid giving birth to a special needs child would alienate us from our current friends.
I'm not only glad to say I was wrong, I'm so touched. Sometimes, I feel like I'm neglecting my friends stories and issues to talk about Roman, spina bifida and the trials of being "that mom." But, I think I'm starting to level out. ;)
I told you that story, to tell you this story, Recently Jason and I hosted our VERY first fundraiser! It was in the middle of a horrible, freezing rain storm, swine flu outbreaks galore and competing with a valley full of other fun fall activities.
Despite everything, our friends came. Our family came, and those that were too sick to make it out, let us know that they were rooting for us. Maybe we're blessed, but I happen to think we're just downright lucky.
I forgot the camera, of course. So I borrowed one from this adorable lady Nicole Krater. Thank you, Nicole!
Here is a picture of the prize table from the silent auction!

And another shot..

One more, for good measure..

These guys started the night, and ended the night. They always sound great!
Brent Tracy and Ben Palko of Audio Therapy

Nicole Krater and Danielle Hoke. Instead of telling myself that they are bored beyond belief, I've convinced myself that they are dog tired-because I worked them to the BONE! You guys are forever in my heart. Thank you!

This bear was the only one who got excited.

In the pictures you can see the information booth that Danielle, Nicole and I worked on. Maybe it doesn't look like much to you, but we were so proud of it. I was so happy they were there to help. We started early in the morning, cutting, gluing, trying to keep coffee cups away from my cricut. All while trying to corral two toddlers and a teething infant. It was quite the chore!

If you'll allow me, and I mean you really have no choice in the matter. I have a few thank-yous to deliver.

Jason, you knew I wanted this to be, "my baby" thank you for letting me take creative control. Next year, you'll play a MUCH bigger role. I'll never make that mistake again. I love you.

Mom and Dad: Thank you for donating the bikes. I know you wanted this to be a bigger success. We raised a lot of money for our little Roman and the kids and parents who are helped by our donation have YOU TWO to thank. I love you guys, past God.

Danielle and Nichole: You ladies saved me! You ran around so I didn't have to. You counted money, so I didn't have to. You helped me so much that day. It wasn't a huge turn-out but every time I looked you guys were staying busy. Thank you, I love you.

Aunt Jeanette: Thank you for devoting a whole day to bake goodies to donate. They were delish! The winner shared...and we were sooo glad she did. Thank you for always supporting my dreams and always being there for me. I love you, so much.

Ryan Hoke, Brent Tracy, Ben Palko, Joe Callahan, Matt and Jude Noldy and Mike Brown: Thank you for donating your wonderful gift of music. I know it must be frustrating to play to such a small audience, but I am your biggest fan. Thank you, thank you. Thank you Brent, for driving so far, so fast to bring you, and your equipment.

Matt and Bridget Reed: You got a babysitter, did your hair, came outside in the coldest rain ever..and won....nothing. But still, stayed the whole night. That is true friendship. Thank you for having my back, and talking me down from my panic attacks. I'm so thankful you're in our lives. I love you!

Pete and Sue Vangorden: Even though you guys had to work early in the morning you came out and supported us. We love you, we're so thankful to have friends that are also family. Thank you. We love you!

Lori Bohart, Bryon Hoke, Carol Hoke: You put your own celebration to the side to come and support our cause. How can I say thank you to that? I love you guys.
Aunt Lori, you won like, everything on the table. Makes the long haul kind of worth it, huh? I love you.

We're so thankful to our local businesses and individuals who donated items to our silent auction:

Needles and Quilts
Hackett and Son's Garage
Ackley and Son's
Karlee from (please, please go there!)
Jeana Hayes
Tioga Office Products
Jack and Yvonne Snyder
Dave Porter (shirts look great, by the way!)
Lakeview Lodge
The Elwell family

And the countless, countless people who helped and continue to inspire us.

See? I told you we were lucky.

Oh, in case you were wondering how well we did:

The Spina Bifida Association would like to thank you for your contribution.

The following summarizes your contribution:
Payment Amount: $1,000.00
Reference ID: 100875023

You're amazing. Have I told you lately, that...well, I love you.

1 comment:

  1. I was trying to think of something to write on this last night and it all sounded too cliche and silly.

    But the truth of the matter is that I love you guys and value the friendship that we have.

    It's hard to watch your friends go through the battles of having a sick or special needs child. The worries, stress and uncertainy that they go through. But there is also celebration when Roman pulls through another surgery with flying colors, or does something great like, roll over, army crawl or have a great PT session. We"re rooting you all on and will always be here for you.
